WEIRD in Austin on Thrasher Mag
We got WEIRD in Austin with the Roger and Uma crew. Edit live now on Thrasher Mag.
Featured WEIRDOS:
Evan Smith @starheadbody
Roman Pabich @top.roman
Cody Chapman @coldchapman
David Langston @gnarlyxdavidson
Treveon Wade @yertindirt
Max Taylor @maxtaylor43psi
Garrett Young @garrettyoung
Reese Barton @trashittt
Mikey Whitehouse @mikey_whitehouse
Jamie Sedo @shouldhavegonetocollege
Camera Crew:
Calvin Millar @calvinmillar
Vincent Villagomez @vinneyv
Josh Roossin @jroooo
Max Taylor @maxtaylor43psi
Henry Giddens @kinghenry11
Clip Cutter:
Calvin Millar @calvinmillar
Art + Doodles:
Michael Sieben @sieben_up
Big Boys "Damage 43"
Special thanks:
@uma_landsleds @rogerskateco @thrashermag